Sunday, August 14, 2011

Are old parents disposable????

People like Tapan Pal are the first one who comes out on street to gain publicity by what ever way they can. This man doesn't understand the need for such legislature, it is not just providing monthly maintenance to aged parents & destitute which already exist in the form of section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code, but even protecting their property from being misused or alienated during their lifetime by their greedy children who usually do so on the misguidance from their individual spouses. The purpose of protecting the old, aged people from any sort of domestic violence against them is the second reason for such legislature. The old & aged are left unattended by their children & no one is to look after them & get them proper medical care. In order to force the children to attend the old, aged & sick parents is the third reason for such legislature. Now tell me if for the first time any central government thought to bring such legislature what harm they will be doing to the society? This man talks of why old people should depend on their children as the children never asked them to give birth to them, he talks of child in the womb never asked the mother to carry her or give him birth, etc, what utter bullshit this guy talks, he must not have born by his mother but must have dropped from skies by some ping big bird as part of her s*hit that’s why he talks all such foolish things. All sensible people should just ignore such articles & better read my answers I post here in yahoo questions which at least provide legal information & awareness to every one. By the way nice nick name you have kept, hope you are so as you call yourself!

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