Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My ex wants me back, and i want him back to but...?

So me and my ex, josh, went out for almost a month- he broke up with me the day before the monthaversery on facebook. He said it was because he didn't want to hurt me (oh, cuz that makes sense...) and something between him seeing his ex and missing her and him going thru a lot of stuff lately. So during the next to weeks, my friends have been doing their job and making his life hell. Then one night we talked about how much he missed me and wanted me back. I felt the same way. He said he wanted to go back out with me but couldn't because his friend Addie really liked him but if i asked him out he would say yes... (what the heck? He's gotta fight for me dang it!). The next day after Jazz band, we kissed... Stupid i know! Then yesterday I had to volunteer for this color gaurd event and so did Josh. When we were alone, we walked around the school and he lead me into an empty cl room. He told me that he loved me and he missed me and he kissed me. He held me tightly in the way i've always wanted to be held. I like him SO much, but I don't want to be hurt again. Plus, my friends are against us being together, and one of them even said that she wouldn't talk to me. I get that they are trying to protect me and don't want to see me getting hurt again, but shouldn't they support me? It's my life and my stupid mistakes. But then again, there is the phrase of, "hurt me once, shame on you. hurt me twice, shame on me." Any advise? I'd really appreciate it!!!!

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