Monday, August 8, 2011

How would you feel about safety of ur own home and looking out the kitchen window to see a bunch of illegals?

now I'm super sad because he looked liked a nice guy, gentle heart, just trying to work hard and doing what he loves. I wish they had more protection out there for him and you know whats really sad is that I read he was helping an illegal immigrant giving the person some water, he called in and told authorities and that was the last time anyone heard from him. So he was helping an illegal and they took his life very sad and upsetting to me. How do illegals expect to get any respect when they don't follow laws, trash property, and take lives. And it hurts to say this but they will probably never find the person who took his life because they are illegal and fall under the radar. This has to be stopped, if the world is around in 50 years and this is still going on, I don't think America will be America, it will be Mexico with a whole lot of lawlessness. RIP Bob Krentz

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